🧡Asian Babe🧡651-661-1457

Dolly, 28
  • Body Rubs
  • Anywhere
  • 3 days
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Make time for yourself!❤️Your health is an investment not an expense.. Love your body and let this sexy Asian babe help you relax and relieve some stress! I am independent.. My studio is clean and quiet, ready to have you in and leave happily. Sorry I do not travel/do outcalls. I am a sweet outgoing person that provides a fun relaxing full body sensual massage. I DO NOT do Full service! I DONT SEE ASIAN GUYS! Rate is 180HH and 250 HR. WORK HOURS ARE FROM 10AM-7PM. You can call me but I prefer texting! 651-661-1457. See you soon❤️❤️❤️

To contact the listing author, please phone: 651-661-1457

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